In the heart of the Pacific Northwest lies a growing hotbed of aviation ingenuity known as Redmond, Oregon. RDD Enterprises brings a rich heritage serving both Experimental and Certified aircraft communities. Our extensive experience begins with Research, Design and Development, and extends deep into modification, fabrication, construction and customer support.
Our passion and enthusiasm for aviation is contagious and you can see it on display in our current brainchild, the LX7, an aircraft that not only performs an important function, but outperforms the competition on multiple levels. Not only have we surpassed the constraints and inherent challenges associated with building an experimental aircraft, we’ve created an environment where we can efficiently replicate perfection one aircraft after another.
Dovetailing with our ability to produce aircraft with impeccable consistency is our commitment to each customer to make sure their LX7 is fully tested and proven. Only after it has passed our rigorous testing will we allow it to undergo yours. What’s more, after you’ve taken possession of your aircraft, you can be sure that RDD will provide the ultimate in technical support to assure that your LX7 continue to perform at its peak.
Our passion and enthusiasm for aviation is contagious and you can see it on display in our current brainchild, the LX7, an aircraft that not only performs an important function, but outperforms the competition on multiple levels. Not only have we surpassed the constraints and inherent challenges associated with building an experimental aircraft, we’ve created an environment where we can efficiently replicate perfection one aircraft after another.
Dovetailing with our ability to produce aircraft with impeccable consistency is our commitment to each customer to make sure their LX7 is fully tested and proven. Only after it has passed our rigorous testing will we allow it to undergo yours. What’s more, after you’ve taken possession of your aircraft, you can be sure that RDD will provide the ultimate in technical support to assure that your LX7 continue to perform at its peak.