If we could only use one word to describe the lengths we go to create an extremely safe and efficient work environment for building the LX7, that word would have to be: Meticulous.
Take a tour at our headquarters sometime and you’ll see an exquisitely planned and managed operation that is designed to reproduce every critical component of the aircraft with precision craftsmanship. Each room is a staging area for one component of the plane and one component only. All materials tools and hardware are stocked and restocked within each staging area. So the technician never has to leave the room or get distracted over a missing rivet. This level of standardization also means the manufacturing process keeps moving forward at a steady, consistent rate. Yet, as methodical as the process may seem, we are constantly making adjustments and improvements based on feedback from our customers and insights from our employees. The bottom line is, we strive for perfection and work tirelessly to provide only the most efficient, most elegant and most desirable aircraft available. |